Denis C. Adams Ph.D.
Psychologue, Psychanalyste Jungien
527 rue Cherrier
Montreal, H2L 1H2
514 691-2533
Montreal, H2L 1H2
- Diploma in analytical psychology, Jung Institute of Pittsburgh, (Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts), USA
- Ph.D. Religious Studies (Jungian Psychoanalytic Thesis), University of Montreal
- M.A. Psychology, Chicago, USA
- B.Sc., University of Wales (UK)
- Eye Movement Integration professional training
Professional organizations
- Member of the Quebec Board of Psychologists
- Quebec Association of Jungian Analysts
- Member International Association for Analytical Psychology
Conferences :
- July 17, 2016, Montreal. "Eating Images". Jungian Psychoanalytic interpretation of our relationship to images in the context of an art exhibition on food and Oedipus.
- 17 Avril 2013: Denver, Colorado, Inter Regional Society of Jungian Analysts meeting:
WORKING WITH ABUSED CHILDREN AND THE HORROR OF INCEST : REPRESSION AND FORGETFULNESS - 27 Avril 2013: Université de Sherbrooke, colloque étudiant sur le religieux: Lecture psychanalytique jungienne des possessions diaboliques
- Terror and Beauty of Epidemics (Montreal Jung Society- 2007)
- Nightmares, Night Terrors, Trauma and Eye Movement Integration (Actuel medical clinic, Montréal)
Publications :
- An appeal for therapy based on something other than scientific data (Psychologie Québec, Vol. 21, No. 1, p.37 Jan. 2004)
- 911: The shadow of the twin towers (Psychologie Québec, Vol 19, No. 5, p.33, Sept. 2002)
- Psychotherapeutic use of pharmaceutical drug-induced dreams (2004 International AIDS Conference, Bangkok)
Community experiences
- Group therapist – Batshaw youth and family, Youth protection
- Counsellor – Palliative care, Maisonneuve-Rosemont hospital
- Counsellor – Suicide line